
Microsoft Word Hacks for Beginners: Simple Tips to Master Word in No Time

Microsoft Word hacks

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used word-processing tools in the world. It has become an essential skill for students, professionals, and anyone who works with documents. However, it can be very overwhelming with all its features and options, especially for beginners. Fortunately, mastering MS Word does not have to be hard. By employing some simple tricks and hacks, you can be well-equipped to work perfectly, of course. In this blog, we will be discussing four basic MS Word hacks that can make it easier for you to work with this powerful tool.

Microsoft Word Hacks

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Accelerate Your microsoft word hacks Workflow Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Most importantly, getting acquainted with keyboard shortcuts is one of the easiest ways of working better on MS Word. Keyboard shortcuts can help you in browsing the program much faster while reducing clicks when editing documents so much smoother. With frequent use, keyboard shortcuts become second nature and save so much of your time in the long run.

Some of these shortcuts that you need to be aware of include:


  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + B: Bold
  • Ctrl + I: Italic
  • Ctrl + U: Underline
  • Ctrl + P: Print
  • Ctrl + A: Select All
  • Ctrl + S: Save

These standard keyboard shortcuts enable your daily routine tasks to go quicker. Not finished, however-There is plenty of keyboard shortcut that has enhanced productivity from the use of Microsoft Word.

These are some examples:


  • Ctrl + L: Left-align the text
  • Ctrl + R: Align text to the right
  • Ctrl + E: Center align text
  • Ctrl + M: Indent the text
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: New document


Mastering these shortcuts will not only make you work more efficiently but will also make you feel much more comfortable navigating inside the program and, thus in general, more productive.

Formatting Toolbar for Quick Adjustments microsoft word hacks

Probably one of the first things you will do when using MS Word is format your document. Fortunately, the Formatting Toolbar provides simple choices to make your text look the way you want it. These tools can include font size to paragraph alignment that can make a difference in how your document will look and feel.


Here are some key formatting tips for beginners:


  1. Font Type and Size: Select the text that you wish to change and then click on the toolbar for the type of font and size that you would like. Try some different fonts and see which you think will best fit your needs for the document.
  2. Bold, Italic, and Underline: These are all good methods to call attention to any of the important texts. You may find them located in the toolbar or through using the Ctrl shortcuts above.
  3. Text Color: Change the color of your text by clicking on the “A” icon with a color bar. This can help highlight or differentiate certain sections in your document. For example, use different colors for headers, subheadings, and body text to create a clear structure.
  4. Alignment: Left align, right align, center, or justify your text to the page for a neat and professional appearance. Justification of text appears very good on formal documents like reports and research papers.
  5. Bulleted or Numbered lists: Organize your content. The use of bulleted or number lists makes your text more readable and structured. Lists help break down complicated information to make it easier for the reader to follow your points.


Formatting does not just make your document look pretty. It also actually helps in terms of structuring and readability with your document. The more that you get comfortable with these kinds of formatting features, the more you will become adept at composing professional and nice-looking documents.

Leverage the Use of Styles to Ensure Consistency in Formatting

This would involve the dull work of aligning headers, sub-headings, and body texts-it would easily gobble up more than one day, not uniform in most of its elements, as a starting point. And, indeed MS Word Styles have come in rather handy as great helpers that turn a shaggy draft to look professionally made with very minimum ado.

To make use of styles follow the following tips:


  • Heading Styles There are pre-designed heading styles in MS Word: Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on. These really help when organizing large documents and will even automatically create a table of contents when needed. Use Heading 1 for your main title, Heading 2 for subheadings, and Heading 3 for even smaller divisions within those headings.
  • Styles: Paragraph styles affect paragraph formatting. This includes the line spacing, alignment, and indentation. It can be selected one time, applying the style to the whole document so that all sections are styled consistently in your document saving you time.
  • Modify Styles: If you don’t like the styles used, you can change them. In the Styles menu you can select the type of font, size, color, and space. Automatically, all changes made are spread throughout your paper. This will be helpful when making reports or academic papers for proposals. Much consistency in formating is expected to be implemented in reports or academic paper as well as proposals.


Using the Styles function is most productive when using such long documents as reports and research papers because it saves so much time and how everything falls out to be quite structured. Using styles helps also in the track of heading or subheadings, making a document very readable.

Use templates: This allows users to have quickly created documents to use at anytime.

This is intimidating enough as it is when you first start out creating a document. But you can quickly click through a number of pre-designed templates in MS Word that already give you a head start on a professional-looking document so that you won’t have to reinvent the wheel.


How to locate a template:


  • Open the MS Word program and click File > New
  • Scroll down the categories of resumes, reports, newsletters, etc. to find your template.
  • Click the template, and it automatically uploads into a new document that saves you lots of time in terms of formatting and layout.
  • Templates are a good source for new starters because they save you the effort and time you spend in starting from scratch. This way, you’ll have more time to focus on contents and less on designs. Even for something as simple as a resume or anything that requires very formal business letters, a template is where you should start. The good thing is that they can be fully customized according to your specific needs.


The other thing is saving your templates for further use. If you always have to write the same sort of document repeatedly, then one can draft one document and save it as a template. This way every time you write the same type of document you will be saving hours of work because it is ready to print in the same way.


MS Word is definitely a powerful application that will certainly help you during writing, and formatting and edition of a hundred documents. Basic features and capabilities will definitely generate enough confidence, so you do not need a lot of trouble to perform some everyday tasks, using MS Word. As long as you experience more familiarity and comfort with its application, this will further create advanced features from the program toward increasing your overall productivity levels.

Whether it’s for a student working on a paper, a professional who has to prepare a report, or almost any person in between, mastering the basics of MS Word is the way to take your document creation to the next level. Happy typing!

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